The emergence and successful implementation of bioinformatics and computational technology in the different area of molecular biology has a positive impact on the scientists and researchers. Fast accessibility of computer and internet resources generated new possibilities to help the biological scientific community with the best of the previous knowledge to expand the possibilities in the area of immunology and vaccine designing. Many databases and tools with huge molecular level information are freely available to utilize in the outgoing research work. Thus, the article provides information about online resources, database and tools which could be helpful in vaccine designing.
Keywords: Bioinformatics, immunology, database, vaccine designing, MHC, epitopeThe emergence and successful implementation of bioinformatics and computational technology in the different area of molecular biology has a positive impact on the scientists and researchers. Fast accessibility of computer and internet resources generated new possibilities to help the biological scientific community with the best of the previous knowledge to expand the possibilities in the area of immunology and vaccine designing. Many databases and tools with huge molecular level information are freely available to utilize in the outgoing research work. Thus, the article provides information about online resources, database and tools which could be helpful in vaccine designing.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyobilişim, bağışıklık bilimi, veri tabanı, aşı tasarımı, MHC, epitop