Pınar Kasapoğlu
Aslı Özdemir
Ayşe Kurşun Ökten
Umut Can Küçüksezer
Ali Osman Gürol
Günnur Deniz
M. Temel Yılmaz



This study aims to investigate the effect of exogen amylin injection on interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) and glycemia levels in healthy, diabetic, with transplantation and with amylin injection rats.

Materials and methods:

Subjects were obtained from Istanbul University, Institute of Experimental Medical Research, Department of Laboratory Animal Biology and Biomedical Application Techniques. Twenty-four inbred Wistar albino rats weighing between 200-280 g and at 4-6 month of age were utilized. Non-transplantation groups were composed of 12 males-12 females, while transplantation groups were composed of 24 male recipients-72 female donors. Islets were isolated from three donors for each recipient animal. The subjects firstly divided into two main groups, including those with transplantation and non-transplantation. Then they were divided into diabetic (STZ) or non-diabetic and/or with amylin injection (A) or non-amylin injection groups. A total of eight groups were generated including healthy control (C), healthy + amylin (A), STZ diabetic (STZ), STZ diabetic + amylin (STZ A), transplantation (TX), transplantation + amylin (TX A), STZ diabetic + transplantation (STZ TX) and STZ diabetic + transplantation and amylin (STZ TX A). Blood collection and glucose measurement were done for three days in all groups [four to five days after STZ injection (Sigma Aldrich 55 mg/kg), subsequent to transplantation (700±100 islet) and two hours after amylin injection (Bachem 30 µg/kg]. Interleukin-1β measurement was performed in serum with Luminex method, whereas islet transplantation was carried out via vena porta to liver with laparotomy surgery under general anesthesia.


Interleukin-1β level was significantly increased on the first day in TX A, STZ A and STZ TX A groups compared to controls (p<0.01, p<0.05, p<0.05), in TX A compared to TX group (p≤0.001) and in STZ TX A group compared to STZ group (p<0.05). Glucose levels were decreased in group A and TX A groups compared to controls (p<0.01, p<0.001). TX A first day glucose levels were lower compared to A group (p<0.05) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001).


The increase of IL-1β after transplantation observed particularly in TX A group may indicate the hazardous effect of amylin accumulation. However, concomitant decrease of glucose may be due to glycoregulatory role of amylin and nonrejected islets. The mechanism of amylin must be further investigated.


Amylin, cytokine, diabetes, islet, rat, transplantation





April 2013


Pınar Kasapoğlu





Suggested Citation



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