Utilized Resources
- Budapest Open Access Initiative
- Creative Commons
- COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
- DOAJ Principles Of Transparency And Best Practice In Scholarly Publishing, Version 3
- Education and Science Journal Publication Policies
- ICMJE (International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors)
- COHE Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive
Editorial Policies
All manuscripts will be evaluated by the scientific board for their scientific contribution, originality and content. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data. The journal retains the right to make appropriate changes on the grammar and language of the manuscript. When suitable the manuscript will be send to the corresponding author for revision. The manuscript, when published, will grant commercial rights to the journal while the authors retain copyright ownership. Articles previously published in any language will not be considered for publication in the journal. Authors cannot submit the manuscript for publication in another journal. All changes in the manuscript will be made after obtaining written permission of the author and the publisher. Full text of all articles can be downloaded at the website of the journal www.turkishimmunology.org
Open Access Policy
We support the open access initiative declared in Budapest Open Access Initiative which states that the peer-reviewed journal literature should be open access, and offers all the published articles free of charge in an environment where everyone can read and download. The term “open access” in this declaration means that” by means of internet, scientific literature can be accessed, read, recorded, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transferred as data to the software, and used for all legal purposes without the financial, legal and technical barriers
Considering the role of information sharing in the advancement of science, open access is of great importance for researchers and readers. For this reason, the articles published in this journal may be used as long as the author and the original source are cited. No permission is required from authors or publishers. The articles in Turkish Journal of Immunology are accessible through search engines, websites, blogs and other digital platforms.
These open access policies accepted on September 12, 2012, and also adopted by our editorial board are also accessible at http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/turkish-translation.
Turkish Journal of Immunology does not demand any subscription fee, publication fee or similar payment for the access into electronic resources.
Creative Commons
By citing the author and the journal at the same time, without any profit-making motive, and only for educational purposes, the readers can copy the article without the permission of the copyright holder.
Turkish Journal of Immunology is an open access publication, and the journal’s publication model is based on Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) declaration. (https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/read/ ) All published content is available online, free of charge at https://www.turkishjcrd.com/. The journal’s content is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) which permits third parties to share the content for non-commerical purposes by giving the apropriate credit to the original work.

Human And Animal Studies
Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a statement to the effect that all human studies have been reviewed by the appropriate ethics committee and have therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in an appropriate version of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki. It should also be stated clearly in the text that all persons gave their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the subjects under study should be omitted.
Reports of animal experiments must state that the “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care” (NIH publication No. 86-23, revised 1985) were followed, as well as specific national laws where applicable. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or for failure to fulfill the above mentioned requirements.
In a cover letter the authors should state if any of the material in the manuscript is submitted or planned for publication elsewhere in any form including electronic media. The cover letter must contain address, telephone, fax and the e-mail address of the corresponding author.
Ethical Policy
It is targeted that all parties participating in the creation of a scientific study (author, editor, reviewer, publisher and reader) contribute to the proper progress of science. Compliance with scientific ethical principles is important in the scientific studies prepared in accordance with this target. We adopted the ethical principles based on the directive prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and recommended its adoption by all individuals contributing in the creation of a scientific work. Some items of this directive are mentioned below.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
To ensure that the data related to the study is correct, to keep the records of the study regularly and to provide access to these data upon a possible request.
To ensure that the article he/she submitted is not published or accepted elsewhere.
If the content submitted by the author matches the already published or presented content, to accept and quote this conflict and, when necessary, to provide the editor with a copy of any work that may have similar content related to his / her work, to obtain permission to reproduce, and use any content from other sources, and cite it as a reference.
To ensure that all studies involving human or animal subjects comply with national and international laws and guidelines (eg WMA Helsinki Declaration, NIH Policy on the Use of Laboratory Animals, EU Directive on the Use of Animals) to approve that necessary approvals have been obtained, to respect subject privacy, to indicate the relevant ethics committee approvals and research details in “Materials and Methods” section of the study.
In case of any conflict of interest, when he / she finds an ethical violation related to his / her article, he / she will share it with the editor and publisher, and publish a statement of error, addendum, indemnity notice or withdraw the work if deemed it necessary.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editors
Acting in a balanced, objective and fair manner while performing their duties without any discrimination based on gender, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
To evaluate the work submitted to the journal according to its content without showing any privilege to any author.
To take necessary measures to prevent potential conflicts of interest and to evaluate existing statements, if any.
To deal with sponsored works or special studies in the same way as other studies,
In case of complaints related to violation of ethics, to enforce necessary procedures by adhering to the policies and procedures of the journal. To give the authors an opportunity to respond to the complaint, and without refraining from imposing the necessary sanctions, regardless of the identity of the owner of the work.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Reviewers
In order to contribute to the editor's decision-making process, the manuscript should be scrutinized in a timely fashion and reviews should only accept the critical evaluation of the study of his/her expertise.
The assessment should be done in an objective manner only in relation to the content of the study. The study should be evaluated without considering religious, political and economic interests.
To make suggestions to help improve the quality of the article to be published and to critically review the study. To communicate his/her comments to the author in a constructive and gentle language.
To protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the editor and the author, to destroy the work after the evaluation process in accordance with the principle of confidentiality, to report to the editor if there is anything contrary to the blind review process and not to evaluate this study.
To be cognizant of potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative, or other relationships between the author and the author), and, if necessary, to alert the editor to withdraw his or her assistance for this article.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Among the parties involved in a creation of a scientific study, the publisher should act within all these ethical principles.
In addition to these, the publisher is obliged to use its communication power without any individual interest and to direct the target audience correctly.
It protects the ownership and copyright of each work published in its journals/books and undertakes the task of archiving every published work.
People should not hesitate to get contact with the publisher when they encounter an unethical situation. Some of the actions considered to be against scientific research and publication ethics:
- Plagiarism: To adopt the original ideas, methods, data or works of others partially or wholly without referencing them in compliance with scientific rules,
- Fraud: to use data that is not actually present or falsified in scientific research
- Distortion: Distorting the research records or data obtained, demonstrating unused devices or materials as if they were used in the research, and distorting or shaping the results of research in the interests of the people and organizations that sponsored the study;
- Republication: To present duplicates as separate publications in academic appointments and elevations
- Slicing: To present the results of a research as separate publications in academic appointments and upgrades by disseminating and publishing the results of a research in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and submit them as separate publications more than once;
- Unfair authorship: to include people who are not active contributors or not to include those who are contributing to the study, to change the ranking of the authors inappropriately without any justification and, to remove the names of those who offered their active contributions in t the previous editions, to include their names among the writers by using their influence even though they did not actively contributed to the work
- Not specifying the people, institutions or organizations that support the publications realized as a result of the researches carried out with their support, and contributions,
- To use the thesis or studies which have not been submitted yet or have not been accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,
- Failure to comply with ethical rules in human and animal researches, not to respect patient rights in its publications, to harm animal health and ecological balance, to refrain from obtaining necessary permissions,
- To misuse resources, places, facilities and devices provided for scientific research,
- To make false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and elevations.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism (cheating) is a violation of ethics, regardless of whether it is intentional or not. It is a crime and an unacceptable code of conduct as it is unethical to submit, and publish manuscripts imitating other sources, without citing references,. For this reason due to publication policies for all studies to be published in all of its periodicals, we necessitate the use of a plagiarism checker.
All studies submitted to our periodicals and passed the evaluation of the reviewers blinded to the studies, are evaluated by us using Turnitin or iThenticate software programs.
In our study, our criterion is not a percentage of matching. An auditng is carried out by a specialized team excluding percentages of matching but considering the parameters, such as identification of matching paragraphs, whether or not citations and references are properly written in accordance with the writing rules of the journal, the places of the matching sentences/paragraphs in the article, and the sources with which they are matched. The prepared plagiarism report is sent to the relevant editor of the study. In consideration of the report, the editorial board may request from the author correction of the errors in the manuscript and sent it again or accept or reject it. The acceptance of the study is on the initiative of the editor
The Editorial Board may act in accordance with the COPE rules against allegations, and suspicions related to plagiarism, citation manipulation and fraudulent misrepresentation of the works submitted to the journal.
Copyright Transfer
Works submitted to our journals to be published should be original works that have not been previously published in any way or sent to any journal for publication. When submitting their works, individuals are obliged to declare that the study, in whole or in part, has not been previously published on any other platform or evaluated for publication. Otherwise, the author will be held responsible for the related sanctions.
The authors should agree to waive the commercial rights of their work and transfer this right together with its submission to the Turkish Society of Immunology for evaluation. This transfer becomes the tying clause upon the acceptance of the publication. No part of the printed material may be used in any other place without the written permission of the publisher.
Publication processes of the Journal is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Scientific Council of Editorial (CSE), Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and National Information Standards Organization (NISO).
Authors' rights to use all unregistered rights other than patents, and copyrights for their own purposes provided that they do not sell the work, and all or a part of their works provided that they indicate identity of books and other academic studies in their websites or open files of a university are reserved.
Authors should obtain permission from the copyright holder when using previously published contents, including pictures, tables, or like in printed or electronic format. The legal, financial and criminal responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors.
Authors who have sent a study to our journal should complete the "Copyright Transfer Form" document upon acceptance before publication process starts. The author(s) must sign the completed form with a wet signature. The signed form must be scanned and loaded with additional file upload option in successive steps of submission process.
Conflict Of Interest
Conditions which provide financial or personal benefit bring about a conflict of interest. The reliability of the scientific process and the published articles is directly related to the objective consideration of conflicts of interest during the planning, implementation, writing, evaluation, editing and publication of scientific studies.
Financial relations are the most easily identified conflicts of interest and it is inevitable that they will undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors and the science. These conflicts can be caused by individual relations, academic competition or intellectual approaches. The authors should refrain as much as possible from making agreements with sponsors in the opinion of gaining profit or any other advantage that restrict their ability to access to all data of the study or analyze, interpret, prepare, and publish their articles In order to prevent conflicts of interest, editors should refrain from bringing together those who may have any relationship between them during the evaluation of the studies. The editors, who make the final decision about the articles, should not have any personal, professional or financial ties with any of the issues they are going to decide. Authors should inform the editorial board concerning potential conflicts of interest to ensure that their articles will be evaluated within the framework of ethical principles through an independent assessment process.
Our publication team works devotedly to ensure that the evaluation process is conducted in an impartial manner, taking all these situations into consideration.
You can review the conflict of interest form and the related link to get more detailed information and to declare an conflict of interest.