1. | Mast Cells in Leprosy Patients with Reversal Reactions Renni Yunnati, Fatihatul FM, Fika A, Prasetyowati S, Indropo A doi: 10.25002/tji.2017.542 Pages 1 - 4 Background: Reversal reaction (RR) is an acute reaction on chronic episode which often contributes to withdrawal of treatment and disability in leprosy patients. Previous study showed that mast cells in reactive tuberculoid lesions biopsy material had lower density than non reactive tuberculoid lesions. Granulomatous lesions in leprosy patients with high mast cells density were more likely to progress into severe reversal reaction. Objective: To examine mast cells level in reversal reaction patients (RR) and non-reactional leprosy patients (non-RR) Methods: Fiftysix leprosy patients consist of 28 with reversal reactions and 28 non-reactional leprosy were assessed for mast cells levels by immunohistochemistry staining. The mast cell numbers in both groups were analyzed using Independent T-test. Results: Mast cells were increased in the reversal group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Mast cells level is associated with reversal reaction of leprosy. |
2. | The Increase in LEAP-2 mRNA Suggests a Synergistic Probiotics-Doxycycline Interaction in Chickens İvelina Pavlova, Aneliya Milenova doi: 10.25002/tji.2017.541 Pages 5 - 12 Background: Extensive interaction between gut microbiota and the host immune system has significant impact on chicken performance. Objective: Therefore, the influence of doxycycline, administered with or without Lactobacillus spp., on PepT1 and LEAP-2 mRNAs expression in duodenum, jejunum and liver was investigated in Duc chickens. Methods: One-day-old Duc broiler chickens were divided in four groups. Chickens without treatment served as controls. Five days after hatching the second group was treated with Lactobacillus brevis, L.plantarum and L.bulgaricus probiotics via feed for 15 days. The third group was treated with probiotics (as in group 2) and doxycycline (10 mg/kg bw, via drinking water for five days, started 15 days after hatching). The fourth group received antibiotic only as described above. Water and food (broiler starter without drugs) were supplied ad libitum. Samples from liver, duodenum and jejunum were collected at the end of the treatment with doxycycline (21 days after hatching). Expression levels of LEAP-2 and PepT1 mRNAs were determined by qRT-PCR. Results: Doxycycline administered alone or in combination with probiotics, provoked a statistically significant upregulation of LEAP-2 mRNA in the liver and in the duodenum. Abundance of PepT1 mRNA was increased in the duodenum. Administration of doxycycline alone caused a moderate induction of LEAP-2 mRNA and down-regulation of PepT1 mRNA in the liver. Conclusion: Up-regulation of the studied antimicrobial peptides provoked by combination of Lactobacilli and doxycycline might be beneficial in terms of host protection. |
3. | Immunomodulatory Effect of Propolis Extract on Granzyme Expression in CD8+ and CD4+CD25+ T Cells Zauhani Kusnul, Pudji Rahayu, Muhaimin Rifai, Edi Widjajanto doi: 10.25002/tji.2017.544 Pages 13 - 19 Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of propolis extract on CD8+ and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell populations and granzyme expression in both cell populations, as propolis has been suggested as an immunomodulatory agent. Materials and Methods: PBMC containing 1x106 cells/ml from cervical cancer stage 3 patients were isolated and cultured with and without propolis extract. The cells were plated in a 24-well plate with RPMI medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 10 U/ml penicillin, 100 U/ml streptomycin, 2 mM L-glutamine and 50 µM 2-ME. Propolis extract was added (5, 10, 25 and 50 µg/ml) to PBMC culture. Negative control was made from PBMC culture without propolis extract for comparison. The cells were incubated for 48 hours in a 5% CO2 incubator at 37ºC. The proportion of CD8+ and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells that expressed granzyme were measured by flow cytometry. Results: The results obtained that the level of CD4+, CD4+CD25+, and CD8+ T cells were not markedly depleted in propolis treatment in all doses compared to control group. The percentage of CD8+Granzyme+ and CD4+CD25+Granzyme+ were significantly different in groups of propolis treatment compared to control group. Conclusion: In summary, propolis extract may serve as an immunomodulatory agent in cervical cancer patients. Propolis extract could modulate the expression CD4+CD25+ T cells expressing granzyme and CD8+ T cells expressing granzyme while it has no effect on CD4+, CD4+CD25+, and CD8+ T cells. |
4. | Molecular characterization of Amandin, an Allergen from Almond (Prunus dulcis) and the Effect of Heat and Enzymatic Treatments on Human IgE and Rabbit IgG Sensitivity to Almond Allergens Ibtissam Ouahidi, Chahid Ouaazizi, Najlae Mejrhit, Ouarda Azdad, Lotfi Aarab doi: 10.25002/tji.2017.551 Pages 20 - 30 Background: Several clinical studies have shown that the allergy to nuts has increased significantly in recent years. Almond allergy is one of the most significant allergies in several countries. For this reason, we were interested in studying almond sensitivity, and especially one of its allergens: amandin. Method: This work is based on a sample of sera from 252 patients. The samples were collected Ibn Elkhatib University Hospital Center and several private medical laboratories in Fez, Morocco. We also evaluated the sensitivity and immunoreactivity of human IgE and rabbit IgG to almonds variety of Prunus dulcis and investigated the effect of food processing (heat and/or enzymatic hydrolysis by pepsin) on this sensitivity. In addition molecular profile of amandin was studied. Results: Reported allergy revealed that 6.5% of patients had an allergy to egg, whereas 2.5, 0.4, 7.8, 3.9, 2.5 and 2.2% of patients were allergic to peanut, wheat flour, fish, strawberry, milk and almond respectively. The evaluation of specific IgE showed that the study population is sensitive to the species Prunus dulcis. The study of the variation of allergenicity of almond under the effect of the temperature and the enzymatic hydrolysis showed an important decrease for the recognition of proteins by human IgE. However, enzymatic hydrolysis modifies the same way the binding of human IgE to almond inducing a reduction of the allergenicity. The molecular characterization of the allergens indicated a major reactivity to Pru du 6 (amandin). This reactivity is highly reduced by treatments, especially the enzymatic one. Conclusion: Almond allergy could be reduced by heat treatment or enzymatic hydrolysis. |